Friday, February 23, 2007

Comparison of Biostimulation and Bioaugmentation for Bioremediation of Chlorinated Ethenes - Pilot Test and Full-Scale Application

Treasure Island Bioremediation Presentation:

This talk was presented at the Florida Department of Enviromental Protection Drycleaner Solvent Program - March 1, 2007. The presentation provides the results of pilot tests to compare biostimulation and bioaugmentation in the source area at a former drycleaner site at Naval Station Treasure Island, San Francisco, CA. After the pilot test, the technology was applied to treat the extended dissolved phase plume. The treatment process included biostimulation using lactic acid and hydrogen gas and bioaugmentation using SDC-9.

Vertical Propagation of Tidal Fluctuations in Karst Aquifer at Diego Garcia B.I.O.T.

Diego Garcia Tidal Study Presentation

This talk was presented at the National Ground Water Association 4th Conference on Hydrogeology, Ecology, Monitoring, and Management of Ground Water in Karst Terrains - Safety Harbor Florida, February 27 - 28, 2007. The presentation describes the results of a tidal study conducted on Atoll Island Diego Garcia B.I.O.T. The study identified hydrogeologic conditions that cause atypical tidal fluctuations in ground water on the island. The investigation included field studies and ground water modeling.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Indigenous Hawaiian Bioaugmentation Pilot Test Report - Presentation to 15th Fighter Wing - Hickam AFB - November 16, 2006

Bioaugmentation Pilot Test Report:

This presentation provides the results of the bioaugmentation pilot test at the LF-05 Site at the Former Tri-Services Landfill at Hickam AFB. Bioaugmentation was conducted using a dechlorinating microbial culture that is indigenous to Hawaii. The project included an evaluation of geochemical conditions affecting the rate of biodegradation. A field scale pilot test was conducted to confirm the results of the enrichment study.